Sell More

Fast, simple and secure payments for every business.

Accept contactless, chip and PIN and mobile payments directly from your phone, through a portable reader or a Payment Terminal.

Payment Terminal

Accept all payment types, no matter the size of your business.

Take in-store orders, accept both contactless and chip and PIN payments, print receipts, manage sales and much more… all from one device.

Phone POS

Turn your Android phone into a payment terminal

Use your mobile phone to take contactless payments anywhere, without the need for a separate payment terminal or connection.

Choose the right product for your business

Payment Terminal

Android Device

All in one solution

All contactless, Chip & Pin and e-wallets


All in one solution


Wifi or 4G connection required

Phone POS

Android only

All contactless cards and e-wallets


NFC connection required

See list >

Wifi or 4G connection required

Why Geidea?

We’re a leading payments provider, on a mission to help you to run and grow your business.

Sales reporting and tracking of all transactions to see how well you’re doing

An intuitive and quick checkout experience with real-time inventory and stock management.

Highest security standards Mada certified, meeting PCI DSS global standards.
